Cambodia Robotics Industry Development Association
Regional Forum on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in Science, Technology and Innovation
Monday, 27th May 2024
Regional Forum on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in Science, Technology and Innovation, Hosted by United Nations ESCAP Bangkok, Thailand. 29 February 2024.
Regional Forum on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in Science, Technology and Innovation
- The event aimed to provide a vibrant platform for the launch of the "Workbook on Policies for Encouraging Private Sector Involvement in Science, Technology, and Innovation" which is designed to offer policymakers and STI professionals practical advice on how to engage the private sector in STI. - H.E. Dr. SEINGHENG HUL, Under-Secretary of State of MISTI, joined together to give opening remarks with Ms. Rupa Chanda, Director of Trade Investment and Innovation Division of United Nations ESCAP; Mr. SIHAPANYA SOUKSAVATH, DG of Ministry of Education and Sports Loas's PDR; Mr. Surachai Sathitkunarat, vice president of Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council; and Mr. Truong Phi Nguyen, Head of Technology and Innovation Department. - The forum had discussed thoroughly on 4 topics including: - Building STI Human Resources Capacity through Private Sector Engagement - Strengthening Policy Support for the Growth of Startups - STI Partnerships for Sustainable Development - Leveraging Networks for Regional Cooperation in STI - H.E. Dr. SEINGHENG HUL, during the event, elaborated on the latest policy developments in Cambodia, particularly focusing on the Draft Law on Technology Transfer, the National Research Agenda 2025, and the National Innovation System. These initiatives underscore Cambodia's commitment to fostering a conducive environment for technology transfer, research, and innovation. It involves the collaboration of government agencies, research institutions, industry players, and other stakeholders to create an ecosystem that supports innovation and entrepreneurship. The system includes initiatives to support technology hashtag#startups, facilitate hashtag#technologytransfer, and promote the adoption of digital technologies in industries. - H.E. Dr. Try Sophal, Director General of General Department of Science, Technology & Innovation, had been invited as panalist for the session of Strengthening Policy Support for the Growth of Startups, which addressed the key challenges facing the startup ecosystem in Cambodia and highlighted the importance of a supportive policy environment and the initiatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to incentivize the development of technology and startups in the country. Credit: MISTI, CAMBODIA
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